Zip Case Study

Zip increased the quality of agent training immediately after deploying daisee by covering 100% of calls, focusing on calls more likely to contain training opportunities, and reviewing each call much faster and with more accuracy.

Ops Team

Based in Sydney, Zip Co Ltd (ASX: Z1P) is a leading buy-now-pay-later service provider with 1.3m customers and 10,000+ merchant partners across Australia. With an 80% growth in customer volume in FY19, Zip faced the challenge of ensuring that its agents provide an excellent customer experience, while also following all the required internal processes. For example, agents are required to properly verify the identity of each customer before speaking with them about their account.

Before daisee

Before daisee, Zip could only review a limited number of calls. This process involved selecting which calls to review, manually listening and scoring them, providing agents feedback, and following up where required. With ever-increasing call volumes from rapid business growth, this process posed several challenges:

  • • Incomplete coverage of calls
  • • Large proportion of time taken to select and score calls
  • • Susceptible to human error in potentially missing agent training requirements

With daisee

daisee reviews 100% of calls with daisee, allowing Zip’s quality assurance team to focus on those worth more attention. Deployment was fast (less than two weeks) and Zip was able to see multiple benefits immediately after deploying daisee.

100% Coverage

Reduced the unknown customer conversation content by covering 100% of calls rather than a limited sample. This also provides an opportunity to reveal unique business insights that would be difficult to detect with a smaller sample of calls.

Call Triage

Allowed call triage to be based on evidence of potential training opportunities, rather than random sampling or based on the QA agent’s experience alone. This allowed training opportunities to be identified easier and with specific examples.

Faster Reviews

Reduced the time taken to review each call by jumping straight to the parts of the call flagged by daisee as more likely to training opportunities. This liberates the QA team by spending less time mining for insights, and more time driving action.

Customer Experience

All of these benefits lead to improved agent training and business intelligence, which has direct flow-on effects to customer experience.

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